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Shed Excess Mental Baggage to Unveil Life’s Hidden Secrets 
by Ora Nadrich, Los Angeles, CA

Mindfulness and Mysticism: Connecting Present Moment Awareness with Higher States of Consciousness

We humans spend much of our lives giving our minds free rein. We let our thoughts roam randomly and fill our minds with constant chatter. Research shows that humans register 6,000 thoughts on average each day. Our obsessive planning, cataloguing and rehashing, crowds out our ability to explore our deeper meaning and purpose. Even when we try […]


4 Ways to Reconnect with the Present
by Paola Knecht 

The Success Mindset: Take Back the Leadership of Your Mind

In times like the one we’re living in now, where uncertainty about global events and catastrophic forecasts trigger anxiety and depression, it’s important to remember this: the only thing that’s real is the present. As spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle says: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the now the primary focus […]


Yoga and Learning To Be
by Pamela Seelig, New Jersey

Threads of Yoga: Themes, Reflections, and Meditations to Weave into Your Practice

It took me decades of yoga practice to begin to perceive a fundamental yogic teaching. I was not a quick study. The thick layers of my persona only began to soften after years of “trying” to meditate, twisting and hopping on a yoga mat, and conscious breathing. These layers of opinions, beliefs, and assumptions may […]


Pregnancy: No Dental vs Know Dental by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI ESI

Nothing fascinates us more than the miracle of life. When a woman is pregnant there are a myriad of emotions: excitement, joy, anxiety, even fear. We want everything to be perfect while the “bun is in the oven.” We are cautious, proactive and vigilant. It’s a time for prenatal vitamins, eating healthy and taking care […]


The Meditative Nature of the Golf Exercises
by Jerry Brown


For your meditative experience You can walk out in nature…… You can sit on a cushion and try to empty your mind OR You can use the tool of a golf club as inquiry To see what you might find! Meditation is simply a method or modality that encourages a consciousness beyond our thinking analytical […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The TRUTH about Dentistry
by Dr. Jeffrey Etess

Do you want to know the truth about dentistry? Can you handle the truth about dentistry? Is the stuff you Google about dentistry opinion, or is it fact? Are the Internet snippets of information based on modern science? Are they objective truths, or is this Internet folklore? It is really hard to know what is […]


Myofascial Release: The Pain Reducing Therapy You Have Been Looking For

Now that we are into a new year, how about a healthier you? Let’s get rid of those aches and pains. You have tried the medications, the supplements, and the surgeries with little to no improvement. You just want to FEEL GOOD. The time is now for you to improve your physical health, which will […]


Light Your Fire Within & Set Your Soul Free!
by LOVE Queen Layla

Punami Productions Podcast

FIRE you ask? What are you talking about? When I speak of this, I smile and remember the song I used to sing as a child, one of the first songs I ever learned and performed on stage holding a candle as a little STAR, called This Little Light of Mine. Originally a gospel song […]


The Broken Paths
by Sharon Sala

lotus flower

I don’t know who needs to read this today, but Spirit was insistent that I write it. So I do, because I am a messenger. The collective consciousness of the world at this time in history holds the energy of pandemics, grief, failed relationships, vaccine and mask mandates, climate disaster, political and religious divisions, and […]


Spirituality For Busy People
by Justin S. Grant

Spirituality for Busy People by Justin S. Grant

Evolution of consciousness is the very purpose of the Universe. Beyond ordinary physical senses, human beings possess a spiritual sensibility, which can be triggered and electrified by any genuine form or expression of Divinity. Spirituality involves the conscious act of alignment with the life energy and soul light that animates dynamic form. Spiritual living is […]