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Pleasure is Our True Nature
by Julia Paulette Hollenbery

Women in bath

We are hardwired from birth for sexual pleasure. Dr. Christiane Northrup, women’s health expert Beauty is truth, truth beauty John Keats, physician and poet Soul is the source of the erotic Roger Housden, spiritual writer Pleasure is our true nature. What if pleasure is already here, intrinsic to our life, and simply waiting for us […]


Prepare for Your Greatest Good
by Alan Cohen


I attended a lecture by Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant to the Secretary General of the United Nations. Dr. Muller recounted an inspiring story about the time he received a notice that he had been drafted into the Nazi army. Being a compassionate pacifist, he had no desire or intention to fight with the Nazis. […]


How Processed Seed Oils Have Ushered in a New Age of Disease
by Joseph Mercola, MD

Hand cutting dominoes in half

The majority of Americans are being misled by official health recommendations to eat “healthy” vegetable oils. Even the term “vegetable oil” is misleading because it gives you the impression that you are receiving vegetable micro-nutrients when these oils are usually toxic, industrially processed seed oils. Seed oils are a key ingredient in processed foods and […]


Multidimensionality: What Lies Beyond 3D?
by LON

crowd of people walking

What lies beyond 3D? What is reality? Can we define it as an absolute, or is it perhaps different for everyone? If I ask you right now to tell me something that is real, what is the first thing that comes to mind? How do you know it is real? I asked my son this […]


Living Empathically
by Elaine Clayton

The Way of the Empath by Elaine Clayton

We are all sentient beings somewhere on an empathic spec­trum, feeling our way toward deeper knowing and seeking, toward compassionate understanding and intuitive aware­ness. Some are born with an innate sensitivity to their sur­roundings and those in it—a proclivity that allows them to feel the presence of life energy in the atmosphere around  both people […]


Social Media May Lead to Social Isolation
by Donna Martini -Oyster Bay

students on their phones

Thanks to social media, we are connecting with one another more now than ever before. Yet many Americans admit to feeling more alone. This makes sense considering we are not virtual beings; we are physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual beings who need to relate in these humanistic ways. It’s possible that we believe we are […]


My Dream for Peace
by Cheryl Melody Baskin

Imagine: A day will come when those who have the power to destroy the world suddenly feel a transformational shift in their hearts to save the world. Believe: A day will come when every heart on earth opens to the healing energy of love, kindness, compassion, empathy, diversity celebration and peace. Dream: A day will […]


Just a Thought 
by Dr. Amy Johnson

I have been listening to people tell me about their struggles, fears, insecurities, insights, hopes, and wishes for as long as I can remember. First, as the friend whom everyone loved to confide in. Later, as the neighborhood bartender. Following that, as a social psychologist. And, for the past fifteen years, as a professional coach […]


Time to Let Go? Cutting the Cord to a Former Relationship
by Cyndi Dale

Chakra Healing byCyndi Dale

When the calendar flips, it’s time. If you’re unattached romantically, it’s time to open to a new love. Unfortunately, that’s hard to do if you’re obsessing over a former flame. There are lots of tricks for getting over yesterday’s companion. Think of how much time you’ve wasted pursuing activities like hating on the past, drinking […]


You Came Here for THIS Time
by Lori Ladd

lotus flower

When I was 13, I was walking down the street in my hometown, and I heard a voice within me say, “You are here to assist humanity through the ascension and evolution in human consciousness. I had no idea what this voice meant other than I would be helping humans through a very dark time […]