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A Revolutionary Prescription for Healing
by Patricia A. Muehsam, MD

What if there were a simple, effortless way to feel well and to thrive? What if there were a simple, effortless way to heal from illness and to shift challenging circumstances in your life? Well, there is. You don’t need to struggle. You don’t need to try to change things or make things happen. It […]


Elephants, Women and Subjugation
by Sangita Iyer

two elephants

The parallels between the mistreatment of women and elephants in India are all too obvious. Despite the advancements, women are still exploited for dowry—money, goods, or an estate that a wife brings to her husband at marriage. Elephants are likewise subjugated and forced to perform in cultural festivals to quell man’s insatiable lust for material […]


Revelations on Healing: What One Doctor Discovered Channeling Messages for His Patients
by Peter Wisch, M.D.

lotus flower

Maintaining and achieving good health might be perceived as obvious to some and obscure to others. Why are some blessed with well-being while others must struggle to be well? By means of channeling higher wisdom, the answer to that question is more straightforward than you might imagine. We are all endowed with unique constitutions at […]


Primary Blocks to Your Intuitive Skills
by Tina Zion

The blocks that I will discuss here are the primary ones that come up in all of my workshops and my private mentoring sessions. These are the most common struggles that I hear from people all over the world. These issues get in the way of people who yearn to do medical intuition but who […]


Words of Wisdom …
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

In anthropology we move back into the past and study skulls of ancient man in order to learn more about ourselves as a species. When you look at cavemen, they ended up having 32 teeth, perfectly straight, never having braces, never having crowding, never having sleep apnea or hidden teeth that are blocked out. Our […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The Silver Filling
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

The infamous “silver filling” is also known as a dental amalgam or mercury filling. The modern dental amalgam was first conceived in 1816 by the French dentist, Dr. Auguste Taveau, but earlier versions go back to the Tang Dynasty. Amalgams contain different combinations of silver, zinc, copper, and tin inside a mercury matrix. Are dental […]


Myofascial Release: The Road to Improved Performance
by Cheryl “Cheri” Christie

We are fast approaching the spring! When the sun shines, the temperatures warm, and everyone wants to get back outside and enjoy their favorite activities. But after months of being inside you may not move as well as you did last year. You may be feeling aches and pains you didn’t notice last year. Your […]


by Andrea Garvey – South Carolina

yoga pose

As we work though our yoga practice, there are times when we feel we have reached a plateau – that place where everything seems to have leveled out and not much is happening. It may frustrate us and so we try even harder and then may become even more frustrated when we don’t see the […]


How YOU Make the World a Better Place
by Owen Waters

hand holding a light bulb

One of the mysteries of quantum physics today is the fact that subatomic particles communicate with each other at speeds far greater than the speed of light. Apparently they weren’t listening to Einstein when he said that they’re not supposed to be able to do that. This phenomenon came to light in 1982 at the […]


The Simple Practice of Love – Zen and Relationships
by Brenda Shoshanna

Heart drawn in the sand

We all want love, are hungry for connection and recognition. We’re all secretly waiting for the perfect relationship, the chance to be accepted just as we are. But for many of us, relationships are difficult to find, difficult to keep and difficult to enjoy. We’re afraid of being rejected or hurt, or losing the love […]