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Taming the Inner Critic
by Jim Blake Kansas City, MO

man flicking of devil image off his shoulder

It’s often our own self-talk that trips us up, not external factors and circumstances, and that negative inner voice can lead to detrimental effects. Sadly, many of us remain unaware that we are indeed our own harshest critics. We move through our days with the endless chattering mind—and much of the time it is blathering […]


Proven Eating Habits That Reduce Your Alzheimer’s Risk at Every Age
by Dr. Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS


If you have had the unfortunate experience of having a loved one diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, you know the sadness of slowly watching that person lose their memories and cognitive abilities. According to the CDC, Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia, and about 5.8 million people in the U.S. have been diagnosed. You […]


Help is Needed … and Offered
by Betsy Whitfill

America stands not at a crossroads, but in a wilderness, seemingly unable to see a path to her future. Years of political turmoil have stirred the people into wakefulness, but we are bewildered by the passions, the potential loss of all that we’ve relied on…our institutions, our religions, our leaders and even our neighbors. Locked […]


A Revolutionary Prescription for Healing
by Patricia A. Muehsam, MD

What if there were a simple, effortless way to feel well and to thrive? What if there were a simple, effortless way to heal from illness and to shift challenging circumstances in your life? Well, there is. You don’t need to struggle. You don’t need to try to change things or make things happen. It […]


Radical Longevity
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

Millions of Americans are missing at least one tooth, with most of them missing many teeth. Missing teeth can be a mental struggle as well as a physical one, affecting your oral health in ways that many do not expect. The truth is that your entire body can be affected by tooth loss. As the […]


There is a LIFE WITHIN the Life We Live … and yet could it be we are blind to it???
by Dr. Georgeann Dau

lotus flower

We are sailing on this ship on the waters of life. Along the way we come upon an iceberg; we can see the surface of it as it is seemingly floating atop the waters and yet we have no idea of the depths that lurk beneath the sea. We, it has been said, only live […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: The White Filling
by Dr. Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

Very often, patients are in search of a healthier replacement for their “silver fillings” or need a new cavity filled, only wanting a white filling. This is also known as a dental composite resin. The concept to really focus on is that the techniques and procedures used by dentists are not all the same, leading […]


The “Sword That Heals”
by Steve Farrell & Karen Gordon

lotus bud

“Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon,” Martin Luther King said at his Nobel Prize lecture on December 11th, 1964. ”Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it.” And in his book, Why We Can’t Wait, Dr. King devoted an entire chapter to nonviolence […]


Science + Art + Mysticism = Global Awakening
by Rev. Matthew Fox, PhD

Deep ecumenism is a movement that can unleash the wisdom of all world religions— Hinduism and Buddhism, Islam and Judaism, Taoism and Shintoism, Christianity in all its forms, and native religions and goddess religions throughout the world. This unleashing of wisdom holds the last hope for the survival of the planet we call home. For […]


One Soul at a Time
by Ann Albers and The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

While your world focuses on death, we focus on life. When your world focuses on war, we focus on peace. When one of you focuses on hatred, we focus on the love trying to sprout beneath a hardened surface. Eternally, we hold the vision of the life you want to live and the version of […]