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Learning is Constant—To the Journey’s End
by Annette Cravera Goggio – Oakhurst, CA

lotus flower

Everything we do involves learning. To doubt that is to deny our purpose of existence. We exist to feel, to think, to anticipate and plan, to interpret and decide on consequential and non-consequential matters in our life. Our life has purpose because of the learning involved. We evolve as souls through our experiences, especially emotional, […]


Togetherness not Otherness is a Remedy for Global Healing
by Rebecca Ward

The Paper Tiger Syndrome

Human beings have an infinite capacity to be kind, generous and supportive of one another. When that happens, I call it the huddle effect. It often occurs when people need support during a crisis. Suddenly, we realize how much we need each other. Recently, my neighborhood experienced a massive blackout—our public utility shut off all […]


The Secret of Personal Magnetism
by Owen Waters – Texas

When people open their hearts to unselfish, unconditional love, a whole new world of possibilities opens. Rather than spending effort avoiding the selfishness of others, they spend time making sure that the way they choose to serve society is done in the best way possible. When people can trust others to treat each other with […]


Every Human is Prone to Being …
by Donna Martini – Oyster Bay, NY


In December 2017, London resident Oobah Butler told a tale of tomfoolery he inflicted upon the renowned website. He created a restaurant identity called “The Shed at Dulwich,” then posted images of his own backyard shanty alongside pics of concocted cuisine. He explained that the menu was mood-based, meaning that guests could tell their […]


Understanding Subtle Energy
by Synthia Andrews

The sea of energy coursing into, through, and around us, organizes matter into form. This doesn’t happen randomly. Humans have energy structures in and around the body that filter incoming energy and radiate outgoing energy in an organized manner. They consist of the aura, a field of energy that surrounds the body in seven distinct […]


The Pain Solution
A Talk with Saloni Sharma, MD

The Pain Solution

Author of The Pain Solution: 5 Steps to Relieve and Prevent Back Pain, Muscle Pain, and Joint Pain Without Medication What are some of the top myths about orthopaedic pain? The tops myths are that nutrition, sleep, and stress do not affect orthopaedic pain. These factors matter! They feed or quell painful inflammation. Yet, most […]


Father No’s Best
by Elvir Causevic

Editor’s Note: The following did not arrive in time for our June/July “Men’s” Issue. While being “father-centric,” this essay nonetheless offers wonderful “lessons” for children and parents alike. I’ve reflected quite a bit on what I wanted this year for my Father’s Day present. I wanted my four kids to acknowledge that they really understand […]


Ready for Healing
by Alan Cohen

If you were in physical, emotional, relationship, or financial pain, and I asked you, “Do you want to be healed?” you would most likely answer, “Yes.” Yet there is more choice behind wellness and illness than we know. I was coaching a fellow who had been diagnosed as ADHD. “I don’t think I am totally […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: My Dentist Says I Need a Root Canal, What Should I Do?
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

The most feared dental news from your dentist: “You need a root canal !” Don’t fear, Dr. Etess is here. The first thing you need to do is just take a deep breath and relax. Fortunately, it has been my experience that very often root canal is over recommended and unnecessary. If the tooth recently […]


Understanding Karma
by Dena Merriam

Since my early years I have been intent on understanding more deeply the workings of the law of cause and effect. By understanding this complex and subtle law of life, I thought, I will address circumstances, events, relationships and behavior patterns in my current life with greater awareness. Of course, one doesn’t need to see […]