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Pray to Be Wrong
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

My coaching client Jamie was very fearful, believing that the world was out to get her, expecting the worst from everyone. One day while Jamie was waiting in line at an auto tollbooth, the car in front of her was taking an unusually long time with the attendant. Jamie grew irritated at yet another proof […]


No One — and No Thing Controls You! – Phoenix, AZ
by Ann Albers and The Angels

Hand holding earth

The world has become your family and the entire earth your home. The Internet opened up the gateways of connection for your entire world. Before this technology, most individuals grew up in relatively closed systems. They were influenced by friends, family, church, community, and maybe some carefully controlled news, but not much more. Now you […]


Working with the Magic and Mystery of Water
by Alexandra Wenman – Santiago, Chile

person standing in front of vortex

There is so much we do not understand about the mysterious substance that is water. Scientists are still scratching their heads as to where all this water on our planet came from, with many deducing that passing asteroids must be the culprit for depositing it here and others hypothesizing that water simply must have been […]


Tuning Fork Therapy: A Cellular Experience
by Donna Nesteruk – St. James, NY

tuning fork

Have you noticed how many people are flocking to partake in sound baths? I don’t blame them. It is a unique experience. We are naturally frequency-seeking beings. So what makes tuning fork therapy such a powerful modality? We are both a physical body and a wave body, and sound travels through the body as a […]


Complete Protein Breakfast Recipes

Where is it written that your favorite breakfast bowls need to be made with oatmeal? Quinoa – often reserved for lunch and dinner – can substitute for oatmeal in any dish and deliver more protein (8.1 grams per cup) and fiber (21% of recommended daily intake) than even longtime “health” food oatmeal (6 grams and […]


The Spirit of Color
by Peter Nolan – Huntington, NY

Every color has a spiritual vibration. This vibration is an expression of consciousness or even an actual spiritual being manifesting as a color. For example, the color orange has different levels of opacity or luminosity within that orange. We are visually aware that the color orange can appear in multiple different shades, but we may […]


Oral Mercury Toxicity
by Jimmy Kilimitzoglou, DDS, FACD, FPFA, DABOI, MAGD, FAAID, FICOI

As you are reading this, chances are that you have at least one amalgam filling in your mouth. Dental amalgam alloy is a mixture of liquid (elemental) mercury and a powdered alloy composed of silver, tin, and copper. Yum! It was invented over a century ago and it was ingenious at the time as it […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Full Arch Implants
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

Maintaining the teeth that you were born with should always be the focus of the patient and the dentist. Unfortunately, sometimes teeth are so damaged that extractions are the only viable option. In times past, dentures were the only choice for patients with which to replace their smile. Unknown to most patients, dentures only provide […]


Seven Warning Signs That You’re Disconnected from the Earth … and Seven Ways to Reconnect This Earth Day (and Every Day)
by Andrea Menard

Seeds from the Sacred Feminine: A 52-Card Wisdom Deck with Handbook

It’s no secret we are all rushed, overcommitted, and stressed out. But what we might not realize is how our busy lives disconnect us from the natural world. This disconnection is not only derailing our well-being, but it’s also harming the very planet that keeps us alive. Earth Day, arriving this year on April 22, […]


Straw Bale Gardens Grow Vegetable Anywhere, Earlier, and with No Weeding
by Joel Karsten – Roseville, MN

Straw Bale Gardens

Straw bale gardening is a unique and innovative method for growing vegetables and herbs that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It involves using straw bales as containers for growing plants and offers several advantages over traditional gardening methods. There are a number of benefits of straw bale gardening, and a few things to […]