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How to Talk with Your Kids About Meditation
by Kelly Smith – Minneapolis, MN


Start a meditation practice, and lead by example. One of the best ways to open a conversation about meditation with your child is to let them see you meditating or exploring mindfulness in your ev­eryday life. Be honest with your kids about why you meditate, how you do it, and what you feel like the […]


The Joy of Combining Travel with Service — and How to Do It.
by Melanie Sue Hicks

Incongruent: Travel, Trauma, Transformation

The smell of fresh tortillas and homemade refried beans wafted through the air. The scorching sun beat down on us as we made our way to the center of the town square. As I turned to stand in my appropriate place on the small stage, I was enthralled with the site of the crowd gathering […]


Fishing with Dad
by Susan Marie Davniero (Deceased)

man with fishing rod next to someone in boat

In honor of Father’s Day, and in memory of my Dad, Gerard Fischetti It was on Long Island’s Captree Beach at dawn that summer when my Dad and I went fishing with my two sisters. I flip flopped across the sand, trailing Dad’s swift steps towards the fishing pier, while dragging the fishing pole Dad said […]


Unwrap the Gifts From Your Father
by Judy Wilkins-Smith

Decoding Your Emotional Blueprint: A Powerful Guide to Transformation Through Disentangling Multigenerational Patterns

If mothers are traditionally considered to be the source of life and flow, fathers are often regarded as the hunters, providers, and the ones who introduce us to the ways of the world. Times are changing, but the essence of the male energy remains crucial to the creation, sustenance and joy of life. Some of […]


What’s in a number?
by Milissa Castanza Seymour – Bethpage, NY

lotus flower

Numbers rule the universe. ~ Pythagoras Close your eyes. Take a long, slow breath. Think of a number. Write down the first number that you see in your mind’s eye. Do you have a favorite number? Have you noticed that the same numbers come up repeatedly in the course of your day, week, or year? […]


Alternative Therapies That Benefit Lyme & Long
by Danielle Pashko – New York City

Living immunocompromised with the debilitating symptoms of Lyme disease and long COVID-19 can be overwhelming. While medical treatments are still being developed, incorporating alternative therapies into your lifestyle now can fill in the gaps to help alleviate symptoms. Having personally battled both Lyme disease and long COVID-19, I have successfully managed my energy levels through […]


How to Prepare for Open Water Swimming
by Alexander Hutchinson, PhD

The Swim Prescription

Swimming in a lake, river, or the ocean is completely different from following a black-tiled line back and forth in five feet of water heated to a comfortable temperature in a pool. Open water swimming requires patience, courage, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions. If you’re considering making the jump there are some […]


The Anticipation of Success – A game-changing strategy to renew your confidence, purpose, and motivation
by David Dennis – Clearwater, FL

Gameness — Land on your feet and not on your feelings

Jeffrey Fry has puzzled burned-out leaders and unmotivated civilians alike who were minutes away from throwing in the towel with this famous quote: “Only those who can see the invisible can do the impossible.” Those who aim to just make it through the day, relying on clear rules and someone else’s vision to function, are […]


Toxic Secrets
by Owen Waters

lotus bud

Nothing in Creation is essentially good or bad, but we judge lower vibrations as bad because they oppose our natural desire to raise our consciousness. For example, toxins in food vibrate at a lower frequency while health-supporting nutrition vibrates at a higher frequency. Because body, mind and spirit are interconnected, toxic food depresses the frequencies […]


Integrate the Tools of Intuition and Logic to Make Better Decisions
by Dr. Carolyn Kurle – San Diego, CA

I am a scientist, an ecology professor who studies animals so I can better inform conservation strategies to preserve species and habitats. I use logical thinking as a tool to solve problems related to understanding the natural world. I am also an integrated human and I know that when we rely solely on logic for […]