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A Time Of Crisis is a Time of Opportunity
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

Today, we are a nation bathed in fear. Just a few years ago, it seemed as though opportunities were endless. There was a sense of stability, prosperity, and hope. Now, fear has become a part of our daily lives. National and international turbulence goes on and on. So much that we once counted on to […]


Why You Self-sabotage and How to Stop
by Laura K. Connell

it's not your fault by Laura K. Connell

Self-sabotage makes you feel like you’re your own worst enemy. But did you know that self-sabotage is a form of self-protection in disguise? The self-defeating behaviors that hold us back are often adopted in childhood as a way to cope with the pain of growing up without having our needs met. If we understood that […]


Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: Unlocking Your Very Best Smile
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

Smiling is a universal language that transcends barriers, conveying warmth, happiness and approachability. Beyond its social significance, smiling has remarkable health benefits. It reduces stress by triggering the release of endorphins, fostering a positive mindset. Studies link smiling to lowered blood pressure and bolstering cardiovascular health. Enhanced immune function and reduced pain perception are also […]


Digital Dentistry

What exactly does that mean? Is there a robot that does your fillings, cleanings and crowns? Not exactly. Most of us have experienced dental impressions for orthodontics, mouthguards, retainers or crowns. Let me walk you through the conventional process. The impression material is mixed and placed in a pre-fabricated tray that is then placed in […]


Fear Can Be Your Friend (Undoing Catastrophic Expectations)
by Brenda Shoshanna – New York City

lotus bud

The Question Fear Is Really Asking Each time fear comes, underneath all its bluster, the question it is truly asking is, “Can you see me for what I am? Will you learn to grow strong as a result of our encounter? Are you able to tap into your endless resources, stand up to me, or […]


Lasso the Sun for Maui
by Alan Cohen – Hawaii

The Hawaiian island of Maui got its name from the legendary Hawaiian demigod. Myth tells that Maui’s mother complained to him that she did not have enough sun to finish planting her crops. So Maui scaled the sacred volcano Haleakala, cast a huge lasso into the sky, and kept the sun from setting until his […]


How Many Miracles Do You Get?
by Alan Cohen, Hawaii

“We prayed for a long time to get pregnant, and I thought I never would,” Sara told me. “Then I finally conceived and gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Now, several years later, we would like to have another baby, and again we are having a hard time. Do you think we used up […]


How to Disagree, Say No and Set Boundaries In a Good Way
by Barbara Berger – Copenhagen, Denmark

Healthy Models for Relationships – the Basic Principles Behind Good Relationships With Your Partner, Family, Parents, Children, Friends, Colleagues and All the Other People in Your Life.

Are you having difficulties disagreeing, saying no and setting boundaries? Here are a few tips as to how you can do this more easily and effectively. Many of our problems in communicating with other people arise from the fact that we never learned how to communicate in a good way and be assertive. We don’t […]


You Can’t Be Resentful and Happy at the Same Time
by Chris Prentiss

That Was Zen, This Is Tao: Living Your Way to Enlightenment

Our universe is perfect. It was created perfect and remains perfect through an eternity of constant change, which you participate in by being who you are at every moment. What does that mean for you? It means that when an event occurs, it’s perfect … even though it may not appear to be. As long […]


The 6 Principles of Conscious Living
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

man raising arms to sun

Everyone from yoga practitioners to spiritual teachers to social reformers espouse the values of “Conscious Living.” But what does it actually mean to live consciously? Conscious Living means cultivating awareness, mindfulness, gratitude, compassion, conscious consumption, and connection with both ourselves and everyone and everything around us. Conscious Living is not just a personal choice, but […]