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Unlocking Mastery: The Synergy of Deliberate Practice and Flow
by Arturo E. Hernandez

lotus bud

Anders Ericsson is best known for his emphasis on the importance of practice on attaining mastery. His work was so influential that it led to the 10,000-hour rule, a term coined by Malcolm Gladwell in his book “Outliers.” Gladwell proposed that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become an expert, based on Ericsson’s research. […]


Let Go of Limiting Beliefs, Embrace Flow
by Robin Finn – Los Angeles, CA

Everyone has a story to tell. You do not have to consider yourself a ‘writer’ to have the desire to find your voice and express yourself. But, too often people, women especially, believe their voices are not worthy of being shared, or that their stories are not important enough, or that they do not have […]


Coming Soon: A Bully Near You?
by Bill Eddy

Our New World of Adult Bullies: How to Spot Them – How to Stop Them

Adult bullies appear to be increasing in society: in families, in the workplace, in higher education, and in the news. Sooner rather than later there may be a bully in your life. Be prepared so that you don’t over-react or under-react. Adult bullies often were bullies as children, but most children (maybe 90%) outgrow bullying […]


Navigating Life’s Challenges
by Catherine Duncan

Just turn on the news, and you will get a blast of fear and uncertainty. Both are prevalent worldwide right now. We are all connected, and we all can navigate life’s challenges as opportunities to grow and transform. I don’t typically watch TV and I turned on the news this past week and witnessed a […]


What You Get When You Don’t Get What Want
By Stu Crum

When we don’t get what we want, it can be easy to feel discouraged, frustrated, and defeated. We may question our abilities or feel like we aren’t deserving of success. It’s important to remember that setbacks and failures are not a reflection of our worth or potential, but they provide valuable opportunities for growth and […]


Humanity’s Essence: We Are Made for Service
by Steve Farrell – Boulder, CO

A New Universal Dream by Steve Farrell

What if every member of humankind was actually designed to be in service to others and to the universe itself? This question offers each of us a profound insight that is an invaluable gift on our journey toward a conscious, unified world: that we are fundamentally designed and destined to not only serve each other […]


When Opposing Energies Collide
by Ann Albers & The Angels – Phoenix, AZ

You live in exciting and turbulent times. Never before has humanity called for so much love, and never before has so much love been allowed by humanity, into your 3D reality. As a result of this influx of light, there is great turbulence. Old energies are attempting to continue their existence in a fast-moving flow […]


From Here to There
by Patricia McDowall – London, UK

Have you ever felt that you are not quite where you want to be in life? Perhaps struggling with your career, your relationships, your finances and you think of a place in your head of where you want to be instead. So how do we get from here to there? Having been a Spiritual Life […]


Food for Freedom
by Dr. Will Tuttle – Middletown, CA

With the Covid crisis in early 2020, the vegan movement clearly had a golden opportunity to champion the rights, freedom, and sovereignty of not just individual animals, but of individual humans as well. This would have been an enormously valuable contribution to the well being of society during that dark and challenging time. Yet the […]


The Power of Love Optimists and Pessimists
by Joanne Steenberg – Maine

lotus flower

I came across a powerful quote this week by George Bernard Shaw. It stopped me in my tracks and made me shift my thinking in big and important ways. He said, “Both optimists and pessimists contribute to society. The optimist invents the airplane, the pessimist the parachute.” I just LOVE that! In our striving to […]