Nothing Tastes As Good As Feeling Fit!
by Juliette Giorgio, LMSW

It has been over a decade, since I wrote about my Weight Loss Group. I am still in touch with the original members of the group, that were featured on the News 12 Long Island segment. They have kept the weight they lost off, all these years! Currently, I am leading a weekly group at New Horizon Counseling Center in Valley Stream. Some of the members have lost over 60 pounds! I am bringing this topic back to Creations Magazine so that more people can experience the wonderful feeling of being at their perfect weight.

Creations Magazine: What is the basis of the program?

Juliette: We use the book A Course in Weight Loss by Marianne Williamson, as our guide. It is a weight loss/management guide book that incorporates spirituality into the process. We lean on God to give us strength and fortitude to reach our goal.

CM: How do the members handle the part about knowing what to eat and portions?

J: We discuss calories, nutritious foods, exercise and social gatherings.

CM: How do you use psychotherapy to assist the members?

J: As a therapist, I know that the causes for overeating or binge eating usually come from childhood experiences or trauma. We do journaling exercises to get in touch with our unconscious imprints that effect how we eat. The members are often surprised by their memories.

CM: How do the members get support, when they are not at a meeting?

J: The members have become supporters of each other and friends. They speak and go walking or line dancing together.

CM: What do they do, when they go off track?

J: Well, you know the expression … Falling off the wagon? It happens. Life is full of delicious temptations that revolve around food. We get right back on track.

CM: Is weight an issue that many people want to work on?

J: Yes, most people want to lose a little or a lot of weight. Current data from the Center for Disease Control indicates that 73% of American adults are overweight and 42% are obese. Adolescents and children are overweight at a rate of 16%, and obese at a rate of 19%. So, more children are obese than overweight. I find this data shocking, and it rises every year.

CM: Are most people aware of how obesity adversely affects their health?

J: I find that many people are not well versed on calories, nutrition and effects of being overweight. People have become complacent with the hyperpalatable food that is popular today. The food industry knows the secret that salt, fat and sugar make a trio that stimulates the brain to become insatiable. Menus often contain ingredients like honey maple bacon, and over-the-top desserts. Social media promotes milkshakes with cake and candy. Delivery services bring anything at any time of day or night. Eating 24/7 is not part of the human design.

CM: It sounds like lack of awareness, food availability and bad habits have created an obesity epidemic?

J: Yes! Steven Covey, author of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, states our habits will define us. We become what we do. The time has come to wake up and use self-control to make choices for better health, so that we can feel good in our bodies. I assure you … Nothing tastes as good as feeling fit!

Juliette Giorgio, LMSW, Social Worker / Psychotherapist.




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