Another Leap Forward in Dental Healing: My Dentist Says I Need a Root Canal, What Should I Do?
by Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM

The most feared dental news from your dentist: “You need a root canal !” Don’t fear, Dr. Etess is here. The first thing you need to do is just take a deep breath and relax. Fortunately, it has been my experience that very often root canal is over recommended and unnecessary.

If the tooth recently had a crown placed, mercury filling removed or white filling placed, resulting in prolonged sensitivity and multiple bite adjustments with little or no improvement, and a normal looking X-ray, for many dentists, the next go-to is the “dreaded” root canal. Very often these are bonding adhesive failures and can be corrected with proper placement of new dental material, thus avoiding root canal altogether. There is nothing better than a healthy vital tooth, and your dentist should be advocating for that.

But what if you do actually need a root canal? You need to understand that not all dentistry is the same. It is just not. Dr. Etess is an Ivy League educated, dental root canal specialist committed to providing the very best Endodontic dental care which requires going well BEYOND normal everyday root canal dentistry.

Root canals get a bad rap because 74% of general dentists perform the procedure without a sterile barrier, commonly referred as the rubber dam. With no rubber dam, the root canal becomes contaminated with mouth germs right from the very beginning, thereby never having the chance for success. The omission of the rubber dam leads to a staggering number of failures that definitely makes root canal sound like an unappealing option. I agree wholeheartedly that a poorly executed root canal can lead to systemic illness. I have treated many failed root canals properly, resulting in improvement or disappearance of the patients lingering autoimmune dysfunction. More than 50% of the root canals that I undertake are failed root canals, therefore I have knowledge of precisely what is being done incorrectly. Do it right or do not do it at all. This is the mantra by which I practice. I incorporate cutting edge root canal cleaning and disinfection protocols, including but not limited to photo acoustic / photo mechanical laser, ozone, and intra root canal ultrasonic shockwave cavitation root canal therapy. It is the best root canal therapy available and I refuse to be anything less than the best. All of the materials used are biocompatible and biomimetic in nature.

Some patients are convinced that biological root canals, even those that Dr. Etess provides, are still “dead vesicles” harboring bad bacteria that will cause them harm. Well, what if you can make the tooth alive again? Now you can, with ToothRegenesis. ToothRegenesis is a proprietary procedure which combines all the disinfection protocols of Dr. Etess’ biological root canal with the regenerative properties of the patient’s own stem cells from their platelet rich fibrin (PRF) derived from the patient’s own blood. This has certainly been a GAME CHANGER for a patient keeping their own tooth. Who says you can’t have your cake (non GMO, of course) and eat it too?

There is nothing better than your own natural teeth, so it is very important to do what you can to save your teeth. For the patients who are uncomfortable with any type of root canal or patients requiring tooth replacement, Dr. Etess offers world class treatment options, including utilizing the patient’s own harvested bone along with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). PRF contains growth factors, healing cytokines, and the all-important regenerative stem cells to allow you to heal optimally and rapidly. State of the art zirconia, titanium, and titanium /zirconium hybrid dental implants are offered to our patients for the best replacement options.

Remaining on the cutting edge of the newest dental advancements is a full-time task and a top priority for Dr. Etess. In order to provide our patients with the most sanitary environment possible, we employ ENHANCED, proactive ultraviolet air and surface office disinfection protocols. Do not assume all dentistry is the same. Dr. Etess prides himself on bringing you top notch, unmatched care. We work toward one standard, the HIGHEST standard. The time for excuses has passed. If you are looking for the finest, safest, healthiest and most predictable results to correct your dental issues that are supported by the most advanced dental technology, contact Integrative Dental Specialists to make an appointment with Dr. Etess today.

Jeffrey Etess, DMD, NMD, IBDM, graduated in the top 10% from the prestigious University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Etess is an IVY LEAGUE trained Certified Endodontic Specialist/Implant Specialty Surgeon with a dual degree in Dentistry and Board Certified in Naturopathic & Integrative medicine & certified in biomimetic cosmetic dentistry & Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique to provide a broad array of biological dentistry covering all facets of restorative, cosmetic, prosthetic, surgical, endodontic, pediatric, periodontal, and implant dentistry for his patients for over 25 years.

– A D V E R T O R I A L –



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