Bye-Bye “Lupus Thing” by Susan Finley

Oh No, not now! Here we go again, I thought, as I felt this crippling bout of fatigue sneaking up on me. This weakness always came out of nowhere and what was equally frustrating, was the way my rheumatologist casually brushed it off as” just a lupus thing” something I should “learn to live with”.

But why did it have to be now? Why was it always when I was looking forward to something?

I was in upstate NY for the Dowsers Convention and just entering an amazing vendors room, filled with exotic books, gadgets, and gemstones. I wanted so much to dive in and explore. Exhaustion squelched my desire, and my new ambition became finding a place to lay down before I fell down.

Off in the corner of the room I spied a very comfy looking massage table, draped with inviting midnight blue blankets studded with glimmering stars. I raced over to the table (with the lighting speed of an arthritic snail) and collapsed into a chair, right in front of a sign, that read Voice Bio Analysis here. (The Universe knows not to be subtle with me)

The man next to the sign smiled, and introduced himself as Greg, and said “let’s do a Voice Bio analysis on you”, as he handed me a microphone. It was simple enough; he asked me 3 questions and as I spoke my answers the computer software graphed out the frequencies of my voice.

Afterwards, I was handed a headset. I laid down, (on what I later learned was a vibroacoustic sound table) and soft, mysterious, mystical music began to pour in through the headset and vibrate up through the table. Every cell in my body began to dance, and then, I slipped into the deepest, most tranquil sleep ever.

When I awoke, I no longer felt weak. I had this amazing sense of peace, I was relaxed yet energized with extreme curiosity for what happened to me. I felt so different, and I didn’t quite understand why.

Greg, explained to me that my body was low in certain notes (which the Voice Bio identified) and he simply played those notes back to me on the vibroacoustic table. You see, he said, all the organs and cells in your body make up a kind of orchestra, and if one of them is out of tune, it messes up the concert. I simply gave you a tune up!

Greg handed me my Voice Print, which listed gemstones, colors, essential oils, & more, that vibrate in my note. He explained that the right vibrations are nutrients for the body.

This new information in conjunction with my Voice Print became my ticket to freedom!

It’s what launched me back to health & gave me a career as a sound therapist. Oh, and that “Lupus thing”? I thanked it for bringing me there, let it go, waived Bye-Bye and never looked back!

Susan Finley holds degrees in Art Education, Sound Therapy and is a PEMF Specialist (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy). She is an avid researcher and tester and specializes in VibroAcoustic, PEMF and Scalar Energy Therapies for pain, anxiety, depression and sleep issues. She also offers online classes on Dementia and Better Brain health. Join her mailing list at Susan’s office is in Babylon at the Zemba Chiropractic Center on West Main Street.

– A D V E R T O R I A L –



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