Cell Healing = Self-Healing
by Cathleen Beerkens

man sitting at beach

I have learned that each of us can do a great deal in our daily lives to promote self-healing. To heal, we must address all aspects of our being; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Healing is about connecting and re-connecting all of these aspects.

Our bodies need to be cared for physically, yet we can only be as healthy as our cells are. We are made up of trillions of cells and we make a million cells per second. It is vital, therefore, that we understand what our cells need to support our well-being. After all, our cells do everything we do. They take in nutrients, carry out metabolic functions, and eliminate waste and toxins.

Learning to provide the body with the right nutrition is very challenging nowadays. We need to eat enough macronutrients; proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and good sugars (glycans) so the body can maintain optimal health. Eating a more natural nutrient dense diet is imperative, like organic fruits and vegetables, protein sources (meat, fish, or healthy alternatives) and good fats (avocadoes, nuts, seeds), are all essential.

We live in a very toxic world. Hence, we must allow our bodies time to detoxify regularly. I advise my clients to make time to detox their bodies at least once a year. There are many types of detox-cleanings and, if this is unfamiliar territory for you, it is perhaps wise to get the help of a professional/doctor; a Functional Medicine or Ayurvedic doctor, for example. I did my first cleaning with an Ayurvedic Doctor. It took 2 weeks and I have done it annually ever since. I am 63 and have never felt better. This version may be too extreme for some people; other slower or “kinder” versions work just as well. Many find intermittent fasting or drinking water with lemon or apple cider vinegar in the mornings a helpful alternative.

Moving the body is an important self-care practice too. It is important to provide an opportunity for daily exercise. We are all unique and this will be different for each person. Making sure our bodies get enough rest and stress reduction is also an important aspect of self-healing.

Our cells are similarly affected by our mental and emotional state. Our thoughts are powerful. The science of Quantum Physics is showing us that what we focus on expands. We are energy and have an energetic field. This field vibrates at a certain rate depending on what we think. This field will influence the health of our cells. Our thoughts can be high frequency, (positive) or low frequency, (negative). We each have constant self-talk patterns. The negative ones are often linked with limiting beliefs in our sub-conscious state and are often unconscious, driving our creations and most importantly, the health of our being. I have learned that in order to create a healthy body we must believe it is possible. The thought that you can heal is as powerful as the thought that you are ill. We must learn to see ourselves healthy and trust our bodies.

Emotions are powerful! They are messages that let us know how we are navigating through our life stories at a particular time. The problem is most of us don’t understand what emotions are and we can become stuck in them. We humans have been functioning on a survival-based system for too long. A system that is primed for anything dangerous. Emotions like fear, guilt, shame, and rejection can often become our reality. It is important to realize that emotions are telling us something and we must learn to release them, and instead focus on the emotions we would like to experience, like joy, love, and peace. It is important not to ignore emotions as these messages are there for a reason. Allowing time to process, digest and release them is a necessity in self-healing.

The last component of self-healing is our spiritual connection. We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience in the body. We are living in a forever changing, chaotic world with the illusion that we are all separate. However, science is showing us that we are all connected, and we are connected to a field of energy. Some call this field Source, God, our Higher Self, or the Universal Field. It does not matter what we call it, what matters is understanding that we’re all connected and fractal forms of it. Connecting to it is like connecting to our own battery source. When connected we become vibrant and feel whole. There are many ways to connect to this field, like prayer, meditation, and breathing to name but a few. These too are important practices for self-healing. Another way to connect to this field is through mother earth. Grounding our energetic field into our bodies is necessary. I encourage my clients to regularly walk in nature – barefoot, if possible. This brings balance and harmony into our systems. Grounding has been shown to improve sleep and reduce stress.

Self-healing is very powerful. Once we realize that we can participate in our healing process and take responsibility for it, we will accelerate our journey to becoming healed. Learning to nurture all aspects of ourselves is essential. In essence the base of self-healing is self-care, and this is only possible through self-love. Learning to love oneself is the base of our human journey!

Cathleen Beerkens Cathleen Beerkens is the founder of A Wellness Revolution and a pioneer in the space of holistic healing. She teaches students and clients how to work with the new sciences to heal their bodies, expand their consciousness, and create the lives they truly desire. She is the author of YOUR CREATOR MATRIX. Learn more about Cathleen at www.awellnessrevolution.com




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